Our SPRA Neighbourhood Watch coordinator is Judith Cook
email: neighbourhoodwatch@stockwellpark.com.
Telephone numbers are not staffed 24 x 7 and are not for emergency use, other details are also provided for convenience.
Local Metropolitan Police Service contacts (as of Oct 2024):
Ward Officers: PC James Little, PC Oliver Wright and PCSO Michael Rowley
Address: Command Centre, 109 Lambeth Road, London, SE1 7LP
Contact Details: ASMailbox-.StockwellEast@met.police.uk Twitter: @MPSStockwell
Office Number: 02087212626
They are also active on www.nextdoor.co.uk under Stockwell Safer Neighbourhood Team
Here are a few key points about reporting crime in our area:
- If you are the victim of a crime, however minor, report it to the police. Even if you do not need the police to act on the incident, reporting it will provide them with a clearer picture of crime levels and patterns in our area. Crime can be reported as followss:
- Dial 999 in an emergency i.e. you need the police there immediately
- Online (https://online.met.police.uk/) for
- Theft (except where the victim was subject to violence or the threat of violence and burglary)
- Criminal damage
- Theft from a motor vehicle
- Criminal damage to a motor vehicle
- Hate crimes and hate incidents
Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 allows you to report something anonymously, and for useful information on crime prevention visit: https://www.ourwatch.org.uk/get-involved/help-and-advice